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Kansas' governor vetoed tax cuts again over their costs. Some fellow Democrats backed it

Posting time:2024-06-03 17:09:56

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Kansas’ Democratic governor on Wednesday vetoed a broad package of tax cuts for the second time in three months, describing it as “too expensive” despite the bipartisan support it enjoyed in the Republican-controlled Legislature.

Gov. Laura Kelly and her staff had signalled that she had misgivings about a package of income, sales and property tax cuts worth $1.5 billion over the next three years. Her chief of staff said before it cleared the Legislature this month that it was larger than Kelly thought the state could afford in the long term. The governor also told fellow Democrats that she believes Kansas’ current three personal income tax rates ensure that the wealthy pay their fair share. The plan would have moved to two rates.

The governor immediately proposed new tax cuts worth roughly $1.3 billion over the next three years, but the Kansas House’s top Republican immediately said the governor “isn’t serious” about tax relief. The Legislature was set to reconvene Thursday following a spring break and wrap up its work for the year in just six days.

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