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Terracotta Warriors museum sees over 100,000 visits during holiday

Posting time:2024-06-03 17:16:51

A total of 100,486 visits were paid to the iconic Terracotta Warriors in northwest China's Shaanxi Province during the three-day New Year holiday that ended Monday, local authorities said Tuesday.

The Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum, home to the world-renowned iconic Terracotta Warriors, recorded more than 11.2 million visits last year, hitting an annual high.

It has seen a surging demand among people since 2023, with the current maximum daily capacity of the museum reaching 65,000 visits.

The museum has adopted a series of measures to better meet the surging demand, such as early opening, delayed closing and staggered reservations.

The museum has attracted over 150 million visitors from home and abroad since it opened in 1979.

Discovered in 1974, the army of Terracotta Warriors was built by Emperor Qinshihuang of the Qin Dynasty (221 B.C.-207 B.C.), who unified China for the first time. 

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